phone: +353 83 8711719
Business English
for clients who expect the highest quality of training
Organic English Teaching
i.e. brain-friendly learning :
individual business English courses
using language coaching methods
and using knowledge about how the brain learns
and how emotions affect learning progress
My name is Pat Baracco.
Welcome to the 21st century language learning universe.
My training couses are the perfect choice for companies that focus on employee development and expect the highest quality.
Give your employees the tools to succeed internationally, with courses tailored to their needs and to the specifics of your industry.
My Skill Set
What do I know and how do I teach?
Memory Training
I am a certified memory trainer and I will teach you how to effectively repeat and remember - vocabulary, forms, phrases.
cognitive neuroscience
I know how the brain works when learning languages. Cognitive neuroscience talks about it : what's going on with the limbic system, the hippocampus, the prefrontal cortex, and what neurotransmitters have to do with it all.
Let's make your brain learn most effectively.
emotions and psychology
I understand the impact that emotions have on our learning. This, in turn, is dealt with by affective neuroscience - the neurobiology of emotions. I can motivate your mind to work actively. I will help you recognize how negative emotions block your effective learning and I will show you how to overcome the language barriers that hinder your learning.
individual Business English courses for professionals from various business sectors who want to improve their language skills in a professional context:
business meetings
business correspondence
Language Coaching
- these techniques will motivate you, give you more self-confidence, ease in communication and better preparation - both linguistic and emotional - for often stressful professional situations, such as presentations or business meetings conducted in a foreign language
AI Tools
The applications I use make learning English easier and systematize the process.
I do not work "from a textbook", and the course materials are a collage of Internet sources and materials adapted to the Client's needs by AI.
Individualization of the course
Memory techniques
- effective memorization
These techniques often work well outside of our course, making it easier to remember information at work and in everyday life. They are also helpful when preparing a business presentation or a speech when you need to speak off the top of your head. My offer also includes a separate module of a one-day group course on memorization techniques for companies.
Cognitive Neuroscience and Neurobiology of Emotion
I base my methodology on
- the discoveries of cognitive neuroscience, which describe the processes that occur in the brain during information processing
- and the neurobiology of emotions ( affective neuroscience ), which shows in what emotional state we remember information most effectively and how to create this state
individual approach in terms of
- goals
- selection of materials
- working methods
Each of us has our own unique way of absorbing information, and discovering it through working with a trainer guarantees effective learning.
Organic Language Teaching
We learn in an “organic” way
- "natural" for every client
- adapted to the individual style of acquiring knowledge
- in the mainstream of modern neuroeducation, so-called brain-friendly learning .
- online meetings on Zoom
- frequency of classes and schedule tailored to you
- establishing and regularly updating an individual course plan: objectives, topics, scope of material, methods of checking progress
- for corporations: constant contact with the HR department, platform for monitoring the course progress, progress reporting
About me
I am an English philologist with a master's degree in teaching English as a foreign language, a trainer of foreign languages (Language Coaching Certificate) and memory techniques.
I conduct classes on the history of literature, literary studies and the history of English at universities, as well as training in business English in corporations.
I studied English Philology at the University of Silesia in Katowice, and teaching English as a foreign language at University College in Dublin. At the university in Dublin, I also conducted research in the field of cognitive neuroscience, i.e. how the brain learns and the role of emotions in learning (affective neuroscience).
I'm an education freak - I love learning. I communicate in many languages and constantly learn new ones. I know how to learn effectively and feel pleasure in acquiring knowledge. I realize that - as scientific research shows - emotions are the most important when learning anything. And then techniques, individualization of methods, goal.
I left Ireland at the beginning of the pandemic. I married an Italian and took his crazy surname (baraccare in Northern Italian dialects means partying and carousing). Now I divide my life in two countries and you can often meet me on the Krakow-Turin flight.
I currently teach mainly online. The world of my courses and training no longer has boundaries. :)
BIO - fakty w punktach, do poczytania:
trenerka języków obcych – Language Coach certyfikowana przez Efficient Language Coaching w Londynie akredytowane przez International Coach Federation w USA (certyfikat w sekcji poniżej)
wykładowca akademicki historii literatury angielskiej, literaturoznawstwa i historii języka w Akademii Nauk Stosowanych im. Księcia Mieszka I w Poznaniu
nauczyciel akademicki języka angielskiego w biznesie na Uniwersytecie WSB Merito w Katowicach
trenerka technik zapamiętywania certyfikowana przez Szkołę Treningu Pamięci Szatkowscy (certyfikat w sekcji poniżej)
absolwentka Nauczycielskiego Kolegium Języków Obcych i filologii angielskiej na Uniwersytecie Śląskim oraz Nauczania Języka Angielskiego jako Obcego MA TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) na University College Dublin (certyfikat w sekcji poniżej)
posiada certyfikat British Council uprawniający do prowadzenia kursów językowych dla dorosłych CELTA (Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults) (w sekcji poniżej)
opracowała metodę nauki COFFEE BREAK Organic Language Learning, wykorzystującą techniki uczenia się języków obcych oparte na neuronauce i zgodne z zasadami brain-friendliness, tj. nauki przyjaznej dla mózgu. Zobacz opis metody w poście
od 2018 aż do wybuchu pandemii kierownik ds. szkoleń (Head of Academic Department) w ADC College w Dublinie, gdzie tworzyła, koordynowała i prowadziła kursy językowe z elementami kultury w biznesie (cultural awareness in global business) dla studentów programu Erasmus z krajów Unii Europejskiej, głównie z Niemiec, Austrii i Szwecji (zobacz stronę koledżu: )
prowadziła kursy językowe General English w szkołach językowych w Dublinie, w
- Akademic Bridge, gdzie uczyła studentów z Ameryki Południowej (gł. Brazylii i Meksyku) i Azji (Mongolia)
- Atlantic School, pracując ze studentami z Europy (gł. Francji, Włoch, Hiszpanii), Ameryki Południowej i Azji (gł. Korei)
- EF, gdzie uczyła młodzież z całego świata
posiada 10-letnie doświadczenie w uczeniu Business English i English for Specific Purposes w korporacjach na terenie Polski, ING Bank Slaski, SEW Eurodrive, Saint-Gobain
prowadziła kursy angielskiego dla finansów i księgowości w Fundacji Rozwoju Rachunkowości w Katowicach
prowadziła badania naukowe na University College Dublin w obszarze: neuronauka poznawcza i rola emocji w nauce języków obcych (cognitive neuroscience and affectivity in Second Language Acquisition) - link do Research Gate:
uczestniczy w konferencjach i sympozjach dotyczących nauczania w Europie i USA (zobacz certyfikaty uczestnictwa poniżej)
Professional Experience
selected professional experience 2018-2023
- for over 10 years I have been helping my clients develop their intellectual potential for learning without boundaries.
July 2018 - July 2019
ELT Teacher
Academic Bridge Dublin
General English courses for multinational groups - English teacher for groups of students of different nationalities who came to learn the language in Dublin
September 2018 - April 2020
ELT Teacher
ADC College Dublin
Intensive Business English courses for European professionals and vocational students taking part in the Erasmus+ program
August 2019 - April 2020
Head of Academic Department,
ADC College Dublin
creating, coordinating and conducting language courses with elements of culture in business (cultural awareness in global business) for Erasmus students from European Union countries, mainly Germany, Austria and Sweden
Oct 2022 - new
Academy of Applied Sciences in Poznań
English Studies
- Introduction to literary studies
- History of English literature
- History of the English language
- Diploma review
- Effective learning methods with elements of study culture
education and research
University College Dublin
2018 - 2019
scientific research in the area of: cognitive neuroscience and affectivity in Second Language Acquisition
University College Dublin
Teaching English as a Foreign Language MA TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)
Efficient Language Coaching
(accreditation: International Coach Federation)
Language Coach license certified by Efficient Language Coaching in London with accreditation from the International Coach Federation in the USA
phone +48512739775
whatsapp +48512739775
Skype: patrycja.coffeebreak